Sunday, March 20, 2011

Let's make a difference...

If you are reading this you are most likely participating in and embracing the power of Twitter and blogging. Consequently, you are enjoying the many innovative, creative, and thought provoking ideas that are being shared through the Twitterverse and Blogosphere.

Additionally, you have most likely heard from your colleagues that are not participating in Twitter and blogging. You probably are hearing something like this; "many of the ideas being shared on Twitter and blogs are great, but they just aren't "doable" or "feasible" in my current situation."

Now, there are many reasons that could lead someone to say, "it just isn't doable or feasible for me." Whether it is a lack of resources, lack of administrative support, lack of time, or simply I just can't do it, we have all heard all of the reasons...

I have taken this into consideration, and I have contemplated the many ways an Educator can make a difference no matter what outside influences there may we go!

1) - Say "hello" to as many students as possible tomorrow & ask them how they are doing...

2) - When a student struggles with something...reassure them that everything will be ok...

3) - If something you did in class worked out wonderfully...take time to share what you did!

4) - Take a moment to thank someone who has recently helped you...

5) - Write a short note about something a student did well...and then give it to him/her...

6) - Help a colleague troubleshoot a problem he/she may be the half full glass...

7) - Praise a student for demonstrating an act of courage or character to another student...

8) - Be patient and don't overreact...there's most likely a reason that it happened...

9) - Try something new and take a risk...the worst thing that can happen is you learn...

10) - Share this with a colleague first thing tomorrow morning...