Friday, December 17, 2010

Life of an Educator: Top 5 blog posts of 2010...

I started this blog on June 14th, 2010.  For the last 6 months this blog has provided me the opportunity to share and collaborate with some of the best educators in the world.  I have been able to take my self-reflection to the next level, which in turn has hopefully made me a better educator.  This blog has been influential as I embrace the concept of 24/7 professional development...anytime and anywhere.  For the members of my PLN and the readers of my blog, I thank you for your support and encouragement.  I firmly believe that our combined efforts will make us all better educators, and as such we will be better positioned to positively affect the lives of our students.  Happy readings!

1) - Why Twitter Should be a Part of your PLN

2) - 5 Ways to Spread the Power of Twitter as a PD Tool

3) - 7 Proven Strategies that Will Engage your Students

4) - 5 Technology Tips for the not-so-Tech Savvy Teacher - @JPPrezz

5) - 10 Tips for Starting a Technology (Learning) Revolution in your School